Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. It has been used all around the world, for over 3000 years. It's becoming more popular in the West, as more and more evidence is proving the magical healing benefits of this wonderful treatment.
But how does it work?
There are many pathways throughout our body, called meridians. Energy flows through these meridians. Each of the main meridians link to a different organ in the body, and there are acupuncture points along each meridian, which all have their own healing benefits when stimulated.
When energy can flow freely through all of these meridians, we will have good health, feel happy, energised and vibrant. But, when energy becomes stagnant and can't flow properly, due to living an unhealthy lifestyle or from long-term emotional issues, this is when illness occurs.
When an acupuncture needle is inserted, it restarts the flow of energy, blood and lymph. It also stimulates the nerves, which signal the brain to start the healing process.
Endorphins (feel good chemicals) are released, and the sympathetic nervous system is calmed, making it easier for your body to heal what needs to be healed.
Our body is self healing, when it is given the right tools.
Your first session will include an in depth consultation, and then treatment, which will last around 75 mins.
Follow up sessions will be 45 mins.
Most conditions will need a course of weekly treatments. The amount will depend on you, how long you have been suffering with the problem, and how quickly your body responds to the treatment. You should not be surprised if your first acupuncture session does not make you feel better instantly.
It's always best to catch an issue early on, this will save you time and money in future.
My favourite Acupuncture analogy...
Think of your body like a road map - the meridians are the roads, and they go in different directions, and lead to different places (organs & body parts).
If the roads are closed, the traffic gets stuck, and it causes a knock on effect - stand stills, diversions, agitation, imbalance.
Every time you put a needle into the body with acupuncture, you’re starting the process of reopening the roads, with the intention of allowing everything to move freely, and to the intended destination.