Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture can help a wide range of issues, including: fine lines and wrinkles, dry skin, uneven skin tone, acne, scarring, and more.
When the needles enter the skin, it causes the body’s healing processes to kick in. This promotes the production of collagen and elastin, both of which are naturally depleted by ageing.
Cosmetic Acupuncture boosts blood flow and hyaluronic acid production in the skin, so your skin can actually heal, repair, and hydrate itself. It may prevent further ageing, when treatments are done regularly, and skin is well looked after at home.
This treatment works holistically, to balance the whole body, as well as improving your skin, as each acupuncture point relates to a different area of the body. What a bonus!
Extremely fine needles are used, and I do my best to be as gentle as possible, to avoid discomfort.
Commonly Used For:
Boosting collagen and elastin production.
Reducing sagging skin and eye bags.
To improve skin colour and tone.
For reduction of inflammation and redness.
To soften fine lines and wrinkles.
To encourage wellbeing and relaxation.