Fertility Acupuncture
When used in conjunction with diet and lifestyle changes, acupuncture can be effective in helping women reach pregnancy.
Acupuncture calms the nervous system, helping to reduce stress, which is one of the main causes of infertility. It works to balance all systems in the body, including the endocrine system, which is responsible for producing the right amount of hormones needed for good health, and fertility.
Acupuncture is also commonly used in conjunction with other fertility treatments, such as IVF. Studies show that acupuncture may increase the effectiveness of IVF treatment by 40 - 60%.​
It's best to start having weekly acupuncture sessions, at least 3 months before trying to conceive, or starting IVF. This will help to prepare the body. It takes around 3 months to produce good quality eggs. If this isn't possible, starting at any time in your journey can be beneficial.​
I would strongly encourage you and your partner to have all of the relevant tests, to rule out any underlying issues.
There is no guarantee that acupuncture will help you get pregnant.
Commonly used for:
Boosting blood flow to the reproductive organs.
Improving sperm and egg quality.
Reducing stress and anxiety.
Increasing chances of pregnancy.
Balancing hormones.
Reducing the chance of miscarriage.
Regulating the menstrual cycle.
Reducing PMS symptoms.
Improving thickness of endometrial lining, increasing chances of embryo implantation.
To reduce the size of ovarian cysts and fibroids.
To ease side effects of IVF medication.
Please book using the booking link of the location you would like to see me. These can be found on my home page or contact page. Choose "acupuncture initial appointment".
During this session, I will go through a full, in depth consultation of your medical history, lifestyle, and any issues that you may have.
Once this has been completed, I will choose the appropriate acupoints to suit your needs, and go ahead with the treatment.