Notice how I say WHAT and not WHO.
The word God has a lot of stigma around it, and most people think of religion when they hear the word.
I’m not religious at all, and never have been. I’ve always been very triggered by religion and sort of rebelled against it, but didn’t really know why until I found myself on the spiritual path.
I now know that it was my soul that was rebelling against the fear based teachings and dogma that comes with most controlled religions.
Spirituality on the other hand is very personal and empowering. It allows you to think for yourself. There’s no one forcing you to believe or not believe in something. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good teachings within religion, but I believe religion came from spirituality, and was created to control people. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and spiritual beings who are in their power and sovereignty cannot be controlled. What do you think those who appear to be in power would rather have us believe?
After many years on the spiritual path, I’ve found meaning in life. The journey I’ve been on has answered a lot of questions for me. I used to think there was something wrong with me, that I was the only person who thought the way I did, until I met others who also think deeply about life, and can’t accept the reality we have been brainwashed into believing… The people who understand that there’s more to life than what we see in this 3D world. I’m not trying to say that this makes us better than anyone else, this is just the reality of it. We’re all on our own journey and everything works out in divine timing.
If you know me and the work I do, you’ll know I’m very open to learning new things and absolutely love anything metaphysical. I’m not saying I have all the answers or what I’m saying is right, but it’s what feels right to me at this time. I’m always open to receiving new information and changing my perspective, if something feels more true to me in that moment.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about “what is god”, and the phrase “god is everywhere and within us all”.
I say WHAT and not WHO, because I know god isn’t a man sitting up in the clouds, that just makes no sense to me.
This lead me to thinking - If every living thing has a level of consciousness, or life force energy running through it - from trees, to fruit and vegetables, to animals and humans, and when we die, our life force energy leaves our body, is this life force energy our soul, our spiritual body, the thing that connects us all as a whole? The collective consciousness, the source where we all come from? If God is a higher power, and God is within us all, could this be God?
I had this whole conversation with someone very close to me who has similar thoughts, and they came up with the analogy below, which I’d like to share because it really helped me to understand what I was pondering…
If you imagine a pool of water as the collective, god source consciousness, and someone comes with a cup and scoops out one cup of water (one soul). Could this be the way it works? A small part of the collective consciousness gets scooped out of the whole, and sent down to earth for a short period of time to learn and expand on that consciousness, to then return back up to the collective to pass on the lessons?
I don’t know, but I love to think about this stuff. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.