Sound Healing
Sound Healing is an ancient technique that has been used for centuries, to balance instruments as well as the body. Sound works in harmony with the body and auric field.
Quantum physics has proven that everything is energy, and that energy vibrates at certain frequencies. Sometimes energy can become blocked or stagnant, especially when there has been illness or emotional turmoil.
The right sound frequencies can slow down brain waves, and put you into a more meditative and restorative state, which allows the body's healing process to kick in.
When certain vibrations travel through the body, they promote circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation.
Sound can be used for all kinds of emotional and physical health problems. Some may require GP referral.
I mainly use crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, but also incorporate tuning forks into my routine, which are activated and then placed onto acupuncture points all around the body. You could call it a form of acupressure.
The gentle vibrations stimulate meridians and acupoints to create overall balance within the body. It's a very relaxing and enjoyable treatment.